Hello beautiful ones. 

Where to begin? 

There’s so much I wish to share with you. Like, more than a novel’s worth. I’ve been up since 4:30 am, unable to sleep and finally propelled out of bed to my computer to write this.

For starters, thank you for reading. I can’t tell you what a deep honor it is to have you. 

There’s some stuff I’ve been “in the closet” about, and in the dark early morning hours, I’m being called to step up and say more about it. 

What I’ve Been Struggling To Say… 

I’m just going to cut to the chase – to what’s waking me in the wee hours…

So the thing is, I’ve had mystical experiences since I was very small. I didn’t know they were “mystical” at first – they just felt normal. But as I got older, I discovered they weren’t something everyone necessarily experienced. As early as three, I remember feeling “weird” for having them and keeping them to myself. 

This is common. You’d think we would want to share our mystical experiences, but the opposite is often true. So many are ashamed of them. I’ve coached numerous clients through similar hiding and shame. Most of us don’t grow up where these phenomena are understood or recognized, let alone supported. Unlike our ancestors, modern society doesn’t have a context for cultivating or honoring mystical states. Rather, they’re generally dismissed and derided. In my case, I was told they were the work of the devil. 

How could something so beautiful be the work of the devil? Try figuring that one out when you’re three and all the adults say so. And try healing that confusion when you’re all grown up (I’m guessing many of you know exactly what I’m talking about. Phew! It’s a process).  

I was also regaled with stories of saints who had all sorts of mystical experiences, and concluded that these saints were far superior to me. I never imagined my own experiences as being anywhere near theirs, and was simultaneously taught it was sinful to even think that other people such as myself would be capable of having these experiences. 

Given that background, you might begin to imagine the struggle that raged within as I attempted to come to terms with what was happening to me. What to do with it all? Who to share it with? For a long time, mostly no one.


The Time Is Now

In the past few years, these mystical experiences have increased in intensity and frequency. They’re exquisite. Words won’t ever suffice.  

They’re powerful, uplifting, and often leave me in tears of awe and gratitude.

They happen in my dreams, between waking and sleeping, and even when I’m wide awake. Plant medicine has definitely upped the ante. Ok, plant medicines have blown the lid right off.

And there’s a purpose  – a message – unveiling itself through these experiences. And an urgency.


Enter fear and doubt. “Who am I to share these messages?”

Sound familiar?

Actually, my loves, who are we not to? 

Still, I’ve been afraid and at a loss as to how to share. Afraid of naysayers, of shaming. Not wanting to sound egotistical or to expose such precious experiences to ridicule. 

But I’m being told IT’S TIME. Heal that witch wound, girl, cause you’ve got work to do.

Your family doesn’t accept this part of you? That’s ok. Other people on the internet might say mean things? That’s ok too. Regardless of what others say or do, it’s time to step out of hiding and into the light.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve been sharing privately with clients and in groups for years. It’s the public/social media spheres that are giving me pause. 


My understanding is that our souls are following a blueprint in each lifetime. I’ve actually seen these blueprints in visions. They’re exquisite – silver geometries spanning the cosmos, with shimmering nodal points of particularly important moments within a soul’s incarnation. Throughout these geometric blueprints, we’ve organized meetings with other soul family. It’s like a tag team – we’re here to activate one another to remember who we truly are. And we are SO much vaster than we’ve believed. 

We’re at a pivotal moment in human history. People are in fear and suffering greatly. Things are imploding. It’s time to evolve rapidly. It’s time to connect with our multidimensional selves and remember who we truly are. 

And that, my loves, is the message. Or at least, the tip of the iceberg.


Finding Our Voices

The bulk of what I have to share involves, you guessed it…

Sound and Voice 

Rediscovering the True Creative Power of Sound (so much more than we’ve known!)

Taking Our Voices Back

Using Our Voices for Healing and for Good

The Multidimensionality of Sound and Voice

I’m feeling called to be more transparent about all of this, in support of us all owning our stories and gifts more fully, and quite frankly, redirecting humanity on a more wholesome path. We’re here to do that for one another. We can create a huge network of support and remembrance. It doesn’t mean we have to preach or shout it from the rooftops (unless perhaps that’s our calling). It does mean, however, that it’s time to embody our voices. 

Our voices –  through sound and light – assist us in embodying more fully, evolving our DNA, and turning this human ship around and towards the Golden Age

And it all begins with the Voice Within. 

To share more about all of this, I’ve prepared a series of blogs I’ll be releasing over the next couple of weeks. I’ve also been called to launch a new class seriesThe upcoming blogs will explain it all.

To support you in finding your voice, I also have my online training program which just recently launched! Singing From Your Soul: A Journey to Soulful Singing, Speaking, & Living.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for being here on Earth at this time. As my soul guides remind me every time I falter, “We were born for this. We’ve got this.”



Hi! I’m Kimberly Harrison, singer, sound healer, and vocal empowerment coach on a mission… to help YOU enjoy your voice and your life more. You can do it in so many simple ways. A great way to start is by asking yourself “What Makes YOUR Soul Sing?” and then letting the answers be your guide…