The Mandala Menu





Mandalas are magical! I love them so! I could go on for days about them. However, the essential point I want to make here is that sound has been scientifically shown to create mandala-like patterns in physical matter. Isn’t that incredible? Even more incredible? Our voices can actually create mandala-like patterns in our own bodies and in the matter all around us. What I’m saying is that we are actually able to make creation more structured and beautiful through the sounds of our voices! Isn’t that the most fabulous thing ever?! I think it is! And THAT is why I just LOVE mandalas!

Here is a picture of the patterns notes make in water.

Ok. Is your mind blown? Mine definitely is, even years later. And I’m not even going to get into all of the implications of what this means. For now, just let that sink in for a bit, and we’ll move onto more practical matters.

Because of the nature of sound and the voice, there are so many areas that we can delve into when we work together. To help us to maximize our time, I’ve created the Mandala Menu. The name is a nod to the depth of voice work, and how sound and our voices can create mandalas! It’s also a list that will help us make the most of our time. Below you’ll see the main areas we can explore…

Prior to our Vocal Strategy Session, please email me the top 3 or 4 areas on the Mandala Menu that interest you most. This will help us to hone in more specifically on your particular needs and interests.

Additionally, please let me know more about:

  1. You, your background, and your vocal experience 
  2. Why you’re interested in vocal empowerment/voice work
  3. Why it’s important for you to set up your vocal strategy session now

Please email me (Kimberly Harrison) at I’m so looking forward to connecting (you mandala-creating being, you)!